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Connect to loved ones on the other side

Reading's available, email me for appointments! NEW ARTICLES COMING SOON STAY TUNED AND CHECK OUT THE BLOG'S TAB!!!!

See what passed clients had to say:

"This reader is legit beyond legit. She did a reading for me and there's absolutely no way she could have known anything she told me about my mom, grandma, grandpa, or my mom's boyfriend (who is still living). It was so dead on I don't know else to describe it. There is not a doubt in my mind this girl can communicate with our passed loved ones"

"I am still going over everything you told me, as I was saying something about her, I heard something fall just as you said so I know she was reconfirming what was said. You are awesome and everything you told me felt as if I were back in my tight circle again. Thank you for giving me a sense of peace and calm I haven't had in a couple years and for sharing your gifts with me, as well as giving her the chance to also be heard"

"My inner battery is full and feels a little more charged. It was great talking to our relatives through you and it was surprising to hear from some. We all got something good out of it"

"I really appreciate your time, your amazing and Dana was top notch on everything. I feel so much better, thank you so much Dana, you're so sweet"

"You made my heart so full, I'll admit I was skeptical at first, but you made a believer out of me. Thanks to you I feel a peace that I haven't felt in a long time"

I love connecting people to those they have lost. I do this for a low cost to you. 

My name is Dana, I was born a  clairvoyant psychic medium and empath. I am here to help connect you to the ones who have passed to the other side.  I also do aura readings, numerology, angel and tarot card readings. So come with me on a journey and let's connect you to someone you lost; a mother, brother, grandma, or that dear friend you miss so much. Maybe it's even a pet you lost, they do wait for us on the other side.  You were lead here, and I feel it was not by accident. So book today and Happy Connecting!!!


What is a clairvoyant psychic medium and empath?

Clairvoyant means clear seeing. Which means I am able to gain information about a person, object, location, past event, or even an animal/pet.

 Being psychic means I am able to tell someone about their past, present, or future. However, keep in mind our futures are subjective. Meaning, they change as we change our minds about something. Maybe you were going to land a great job but you decided to move, now that job isn't going to happen because you no longer live in the same area where that job was going to take place. As like a domino effect, life is similar. Add anyone else in your life and their decisions and well, you get the picture. NOTHING, IS IN STONE! 

What is a medium? A medium means you are able to hear and see spirits as well as gain information from the other side. Every medium is psychic but not all psychic's are mediums. Everyone has the ability to be psychic, we were born with this gift, however, many do not use it or know how, or even know they have the ability. To learn more about how to unlock your psychic abilities see my blog page under the blog tab at the top of this site. 

Being Empathic or an Empath: This ability is one that has gained more popularity over the years. Long ago, this term was never used and people were just considered to be sensitive. However, now days, this is more noted than usual. Being an empath means you have the ability to feel other peoples emotions as well as possibly feel their physical pain. Forget about trying to fool or lie to an empath as well, we are human lie detectors. We do sometimes get overwhelmed in crowds and even our own homes if there is too much going on at once. We definitely need our alone time to recharge. Often empaths are swarmed by people who need saving or strangers seem to walk up to us and tell us their whole life stories or issues in a matter of minutes. We call these people "energy vampires". Ones who seem to drain us in a matter of moments only to walk off feeling wonderful and have left all their negativity and issues stuck to us like glue. Sometimes we find it hard to figure out who's feelings we are feeling and which ones we own for ourselves. Becoming aware of your gifts and how to use them for a higher calling is a gift all it's own, but add someone else's problems to the mix, and you may be highly confused. See my blog for more on this as well. Check back often as I update and chat about different areas of these gifts. Now you know about me, go learn some more about yourself or someone in your life who may have these gifts and please, feel free to contact me via my email for questions or appointments for readings. See my services page for more information. Happy Connecting!!!

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